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[心得] GTA4 全任务存档分别下载

发表于 2009-1-8 16:56:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





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作者: Skiaffo from GTA-Expert.com
发表于: www.gta-expert.com

全部GTA4 PC版存档.


Istructions in the archives.

..: 任务列表 :..

GTA IV 100% 存档 by Neon25

# 01 - The Cousin's Bellic [Download]
# 02 - It's Your Call [Download]
# 03 - Three's a Crowd [Download]
# 04 - First Date [Download]
# 05 - Bleed Out [Download]
# 06 - Easy Fare [Download]
# 07 - Jamaican Heat [Download]
# 08 - Concrete Jungle [Download]
# 09 - Bull in a China Shop [Download]
# 10 - Hung Out to Dry [Download]
# 11 - Clean Getaway [Download]
# 12 - Ivan the Not So Terrible [Download]
# 13 - Uncle Vlad [Download]
# 14 - Crime and punishment [Download]
# 15 - Do you have protection? [Download]
# 16 - Shadow [Download]
# 17 - Final Destination [Download]
# 18 - Logging On [Download]
# 19 - No Love Lost [Download]
# 20 - Rigged to blow [Download]
# 21 - The master and the molotov [Download]
# 22 - Russian Revolution [Download]
# 23 - Roman's Sorrow [Download]
# 24 - Search and delete [Download]
# 25 - Easy as can be [Download]
# 26 - Out of the Closet [Download]
# 27 - No. 1 [Download]
# 28 - Escuela of the Streets [Download]
# 29 - Street Sweeper [Download]
# 30 - Luck of the Irish [Download]
# 31 - Blow Your Cover [Download]
# 32 - The Puerto Rican Connection [Download]
# 33 - The Snow Storm [Download]
# 34 - Have a Heart [Download]
# 35 - Deconstruction for Beginners [Download]
# 36 - Photo Shoot [Download]
# 37 - Ruff Rider [Download]
# 38 - Undress to Kill [Download]
# 39 - Call and Collect [Download]
# 40 - Hostile Negotiation [Download]
# 41 - The Holland Play [Download]
# 42 - Final Interview [Download]
# 43 - Wrong is Right [Download]
# 44 - Portrait of a Killer [Download]
# 45 - Dust Off [Download]
# 46 - Holland Nights [Download]
# 47 - Lure [Download]
# 48 - Paper Trail [Download]
# 49 - Harboring a Grudge [Download]
# 50 - Waste Not Want Knots [Download]
# 51 - Three Leaf Clover [Download]
# 52 - A Long Way to Fall [Download]
# 53 - Taking in the Trash [Download]
# 54 - Meltdown [Download]
# 55 - Museum Piece [Download]
# 56 - No Way on the Subway [Download]
# 57 - Late Checkout [Download]
# 58 - Weekend at Florian's [Download]
# 59 - Hating the Haters [Download]
# 60 - Union Drive [Download]
# 61 - Buoys Ahoy [Download]
# 62 - Smackdown [Download]
# 63 - Babysitting [Download]
# 64 - Tunnel of Death [Download]
# 65 - Action Speaks Louder Than Words [Download]
# 66 - I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle [Download]
# 67 - Blood Brothers [Download]
# 68 - Truck Hustle [Download]
# 69 - Undertaker [Download]
# 70 - Pegorino's Pride [Download]
# 71 - Payback [Download]
# 72 - I'll Take Her [Download]
# 73 - She's a Keeper [Download]
# 74 - Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend [Download]
# 75 - Catch the Wave [Download]
# 76 - Trespass [Download]
# 77 - To Live and Die in Alderney [Download]
# 78 - Flat Line [Download]
# 79 - Pest Control [Download]
# 80 - Entourage [Download]
# 81 - Dining Out [Download]
# 82 - Liquidize the Assets [Download]
# 83 - That Special Someone [Download]
# 84 - One Last Thing [Download]

# 85 - If The Price is Right [Download]
# 86 - Mr. & Mrs. Bellic [Download]
[# 87 - A Revenger's Tragedy [Download]

# 88 - A Dish Served Cold [Download]
# 89 - Mr. & Mrs. Bellic [Download]
# 90 - Out of Commission [Download]

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